10% - 15% Discount on PTPTN Education Loan Repayment Until 31 December 2017 | HARGA RUNTUH

10% - 15% Discount on PTPTN Education Loan Repayment Until 31 December 2017

Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional (PTPTN) Repayment Discount

As per announced in Malaysia Budget 2017 (Bajet Malaysia 2017), the following discounts to encourage repayments of PTPTN loans are effective 22 October 2016 till 31 December 2017.

Various PTPTN Education Loan Repayment Discounts

  • 15% discount on the outstanding debt for full settlement;
  • 10% discount for payment of at least 50% of the outstanding debt made in a single payment; and
  • 10% discount for repayment through salary deduction or direct debit in accordance with the repayment schedule.
How to Apply / Get PTPTN Repayment Discount?
  • For full settlement or payment of 50% of the outstanding debt, you need to check the outstanding debt balance through Online Statement (Semakan Penyata Pinjaman) at the official PTPTN portal www.ptptn.gov.my or call the PTPTN Careline hotline 03 - 2193 3000.
  • For those who want to apply for repayment through salary deduction, please consult via PTPTN Careline first and fill the form Borang Kebenaran Potongan Gaji Bagi Bayaran Balik Pinjaman Pendidikan PTPTN [pdf] available at the official PTPTN portal.
  • For those who want to apply for repayment through direct debit, the form will be available at all PTPTN counters from 1 November 2016 onwards.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at http://harga.runtuh.com/2016/10/discount-on-ptptn-education-loan-repayment.html

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