Adidas, Nike, Puma, Asics Clearance Sale Up to 50% Discount @ Mydin Mall Seremban 2 Until 6 August 2017

aL-ikhsaN Sports Clearance Sale Discount Offer Promo

aL-ikhsaN Sports Warehouse Clearance Sale Discount Offer Promotion

FURTHER MARKDOWN! Istimewa 2hari terakhir! Kami turun harga lagi!

Jualan Gudang Al-Ikhsan "Clearance"
  • Tempat: Lot S07-So10 Mydin Mall Seremban 2.
  • Tarikh: 26 Julai hingga 06 Ogos 2017
  • Masa: 10 am-10pm
Jumpa anda di sana !!! — at Mydin Mall Seremban 2.

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