BarBQ Plaza Economy Pork Set 50% Discount (First 100, Like & Share FB) @ IOI Mall 24 July 2017

BarBQ Plaza Malaysia Economy Pork Set 50% Discount Offer Opening Promotion

BarBQ Plaza Malaysia Economy Pork Set 50% Discount Offer Opening Promotion

【Get 50% off on Economy Pork Set at Bar B Q Plaza IOI Mall New Location Grand Opening - Lot FS09-FS11 !!!】\(*^▽^*)/\(*^▽^*)/

Claim your 50% off Economy pork set in 3 simple steps, then you may redeem it on 24/7/2017 (Monday) !! Only valid for first 100 customers!!
  1. Like BarBQ Plaza Malaysia Facebook page.
  2. Like this post & share (set as public)
  3. Share this post with caption "Let's go Bar B Q Plaza IOI Mall New Location Grand Opening - Lot FS09-FS11"

Bar B Q Plaza Economy Pork Set Half Price Promo Terms & Conditions

  • Valid for the first 100 customers only.
  • Each customer entitle for 1 x 50% Economy Pork Set redemption only.
  • Offer cannot be combined with any other offers, promotions, vouchers.
  • Bar B Q Plaza reserves the right to change or cancel this promotion scheme.

好消息~! BarBQ Plaza IOI Mall全新面貌出炉啦!我们就在Lot FS09-FS11哦!快快来哦!】<('o'<)<('o'<)<('o'<)

为了庆祝我们在IOI Mall的全新面貌,我们将会进行大优惠回馈给我们的顾客哦!只要您根据以下步骤,并在24/7/2017(星期一)来到我们的IOI Mall分行,就能享有50%折扣在我们的经济猪肉套餐哦!只限首100位顾客哦!

  1. Like BarBQ Plaza Malaysia 面子书。
  2. 在这贴文按赞,并分享出去,标题为 "Let's go Bar B Q Plaza IOI Mall New Location Grand Opening - Lot FS09-FS11"
  3. 记得设定为公开哦。
完成了以上步骤后,您就能在24/7/2017(星期一)来到我们的BarBQ Plaza IOI Mall - Lot FS09-FS11,并向我们的服务员展示您已经分享了此贴文,就能以50%折扣来享用我们的经济猪肉套餐哦!记得只限首100位顾客哦!\(*^▽^*)/\(*^▽^*)/


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