Bursa Malaysia FREE Investment Talk: Property & Construction Stocks Analysis @ KL 9 September & Penang 10 September 2017

Property Stocks Selection Exercise: In-depth Analysis for Property & Construction Stocks

Time: 8:30AM - 4:30PM Date & Venue:
  • Saturday, 9 September 2017 BIEW @ Theatrette, Lower Ground Floor, Bursa Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur (RSVP Required)
  • Sunday, 10 September 2017 BIEW @ Olive Tree Hotel, Penang (RSVP Required)

Workshop Agenda & 1-Day Course Schedule

8:30 am Registration 9:00 am Bursa MidS - Bursa Malaysia Market Outlook 2H 2017 and Mid Cap Stock Picks 9:45 am
  • Overview of Property Stocks
    • There are different types of Property Stocks. Understand the different business models
    • What are the Property Stocks for you to choose from
    • Learn how to sift out these Property Stocks with BursaMarketplace!
  • How to Analyze Property Stocks
    • Understand the analysis process which includes:
      • Business Analysis
      • Financial Statement Analysis
      • Pricing Analysis
      • Risk Analysis
12:30 pm Afternoon Break Lunch Provided in KL / Free & Easy Break aka Lunch on Your Own in Penang 1:30 pm
  • Hands-On Exercise to select the Property Stocks
    • Sift out Property Stocks that meet our criteria based on the step by step guide
    • Learn how to use the various online platform to collect information on the Property Stocks
  • Doing Business Analysis Together
    • Discussion on the Business Aspects of the Property Stocks that are sifted out. Trainer will facilitate the discussion among the participants on the business viability of the various companies chosen
  • Summary of Discussion and Hands-On Exercise
    • Summary of findings presented by Trainer
    • Review of the Property Stocks that are considered as most attractive by the participants
4:30 pm End of Programme About Bursa Investor Education Workshop (BIEW) The Bursa Investor Education Workshop series aim to impart capital market knowledge to the general public by providing structured syllabus on investment-related subject matters. Topics will start off with basics and fundamentals - the why's, the what's and how's of investing and move on to a more advanced understanding of the various investment instruments and different methods of investing.

Registration is FREE and on a first come, first serve basis. Participants are encouraged to register early as seats are limited. Registration will close on 6 September 2017 or once the targeted no. of participants are reached.

All confirmed participants will receive an event confirmation email from BursaMKTPLC which serves as your entrance pass. Failure to produce an electronic or paper copy of the email on the day of the event may be denied entry.

Registration Link: Kuala Lumpur / Penang

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