Barry Teh: Dear Design Village, thank you so much for providing the free shuttle service from Island to D.V. and vice versa.
I realized that the change of the pick up from DV back to Island at 11.30am doesn’t benefit at all, as your first arrival from Island to DV is at 11.30am. Unless that person only plans to just sit on the shuttle to DV and instantly return back to the Island. It’s like oh I’ve arrived at D.V. and immediately ok let’s head back to the Island now.
Another concern is, you have 2 bus load of people from the Island 10am & 1pm and there’s only 1 bus load that leaves DV at 7pm? Hoping for some light on this as now my concern is if I would to sit the shuttle over to D.V. and by the looks if it’s only 1 shuttle returning, I’ll probably end up stranded at DV as the bus has reached its maximum capacity of passengers.
My suggestion to the management is to kindly look into the possible change of the 11.30am from DV to Island shuttle trip to a later time say 4pm. So at least when people leave the island at 10am/1pm and when they arrive, they have an option of returning at eg. 4pm or 8pm (a later returning would also be good as the night scene at DV is nice).
Hoping for some clarification on the shuttle especially if it is only 1 bus load returning back to the island at 7pm. TYIA