Digi Postpaid Subscriber Download MyDigi App Get Free 888MB Internet Data 23 - 25 August 2016 | HARGA RUNTUH

Digi Postpaid Free 888MB Internet Data Promotion

WHAT'S BETTER THAN 888MB? Yes, you heard it Postpaiders! That's right, no catches, just pure "free" Internet joy! Hurry and redeem your 888MB via the MyDigi App from 23 - 25 Aug 2016 and start surfing like a king!

Not a MyDigi user yet? Download now


  1. Login to your MyDigi account
  2. Select Add-ons
  3. Select Internet
  4. Select 888MB and redeem. Your 888MB internet will be reflected in your internet quota.

Terms & Conditions Apply

  • The FREE 888MB is only eligible for postpaid customer with monthly mobile Internet subscription / data package.
  • The FREE 888MB redemption is only available on MyDigi Mobile App.
  • All eligible customer has to first redeem it from MyDigi App before starting to use the FREE 888MB.
  • All eligible customer could only redeem the FREE 888MB one time only during the entire campaign period.
  • The FREE 888MB is valid for 5 days only upon redemption.
  • Any remaining quota will be forfeited upon validity expire.
  • The Organizers reserves the absolute right to vary, delete or add to any of these terms and conditions (wholly or in part) from time to time without any prior notice to the Participants.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at http://harga.runtuh.com/2016/08/dii-postpaid-subscriber-free-internet-data-promo.html?m=0

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