Disney Pixar in a Box Free Online Course on Storytelling & Animation (Khan Academy) | HARGA RUNTUH

Disney Pixar in a Box Free Online Course & Lessons on Storytelling & Animation by Khan Academy

Unlock your storytelling superpowers with our new lesson from Pixar in a Box. Learn from the creative minds behind movies like Inside Out, Toy Story, and Up. Check out the new lesson today!

"To make a movie here at Pixar takes years, but it all starts with a story." –Pete Docter

Learn more about the art of storytelling and more with Pixar in a Box, a free online tool that gives you a behind-the-scenes look at how our artists do their jobs

Disney Pixar in a Box

Pixar in a Box is a behind-the-scenes look at how Pixar artists do their jobs. You will be able to animate bouncing balls, build a swarm of robots, and make virtual fireworks explode. The subjects you learn in school — math, science, computer science, and humanities — are used every day to create amazing movies at Pixar. This collaboration between Pixar Animation Studios and Khan Academy is sponsored by Disney.


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