Download FREE Block Tank Wars 2 Premium Android Mobile App Game (Save RM1.99) | HARGA RUNTUH

Download Free Block Tank Wars 2 Premium Android Mobile App Game

Block Tank Wars 2 Premium Android Mobile App Game Free Download (Limited Time Promotion)

Premium version without ads.

Block Tank Wars 2 is the sequel to the first successful part of the game Block Tank Wars. Integrated enhanced gameplay and computer graphics based on the previous part of the game.

Not only tanks upgrades are available now but also skills and bonuses which were not accessible in the first part of the game. Each level is worked out in detail and well-balanced. Old-version blurry tanks turned into high-end drawn action!

Free Block Tank Wars 2 Premium Features

  • 72 + singleplayer missions with comprehensive levels
  • 7 different tank types for your choice
  • each tank can be upgraded and equipped with new work tools!
  • skill system and improvement!
  • no donations, the content is well-balanced
  • encompassing gameplay of the first part now is improved!
The game is launched and will be constantly updated. Add your ideas and corrections to our game community!

Link to Google Play Store
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