Download Free NesBoy! Pro Emulator for NES Game Files Android Mobile App (Save RM7.49)

Download Free NesBoy! Pro Emulator for NES Android Mobile App

NesBoy! Pro Emulator for NES Game Files Android Mobile App Free Download (Limited Time Promotion)

An high quality emulator to run NES game files. This is full version without ads.
  1. To active option menu: press or hold the menu key on the navigation bar (Back, Home, Menu).
  2. A NES game file (ROM file) is necessary to play a game. You can find NES game files by searching the web.
  3. This application supports NES file and ZIP file (compressed NES file).
  4. A 7z file is not supported.
  5. Support 2 players (WIFI).
  6. Support android 4.0+ (suitable for android 5.0+ and 6.0)
  7. Support save and load state, screenshot, In-between press AB, shortcut keys, etc.
Link to Google Play Store
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