Download FREE Sago Mini Puppy Preschool iPhone & iPad App Game (Save USD$2.99)

Sago Mini Puppy Preschool iPhone iPad App Game Free Download (Limited Time Promotion)

Inspire early learning in this irresistibly cute app! Introduce little ones to numbers, shape recognition, matching and music fun with adorable puppies. Join Harvey and friends in four interactive activities designed to encourage learning through play. Dunk 10 fun-loving puppies into a giant outdoor tub to develop counting skills! Match toys, bones and socks to play fetch with Stella the pug! Explore ‘barking’ musical notes on a spectacular puppy piano! Have fun practicing colour recognition and sorting to feed your furry friends!

Learning has never been so lovable! This latest educational app from award-winning preschool brand - Sago Mini - is sure to ignite a love for puppies and playful learning.

Free Sago Mini Puppy Preschool Mobile App Game Features

  • Learn and play with 10 adorable puppies including Harvey
  • Enjoy 4 engaging activities for hours of open-ended fun
  • Promote number recognition and counting skills
  • Practice shape and colour recognition
  • Play music on a one-of-a-kind puppy piano
  • Count in more than 15 languages
  • Ideal for toddlers and preschoolers, ages 2-5
  • Whimsical artwork and custom sound design
  • Play wherever you are - without WiFi or Internet
  • Safe and kid-friendly - no in-app purchases or third-party advertising, play without any interruptions!
Sago Mini is an award-winning company devoted to play. We make apps and toys for preschoolers worldwide. Toys that seed imagination and grow wonder. We bring thoughtful design to life. For kids. For parents. For giggles.

Link to iTunes App Store

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