Kenny Rogers ROASTERS Malaysia Classic Choice Meal E-Voucher Discount Offer Promotion
Countdown to #RCR2017 Stay fit to run!Flash this e-Voucher to enjoy Classic Choice Meal at RM13 only!
Valid from 6 till 10 July 2017 (5 days only)
Period: 6 till 10 July 2017 (5 days only)
Availability: All KRR restaurants.
KRR e-Voucher Discount Promo Terms & Conditions
- Flash e-Voucher upon ordering.
- Valid for dine-in only. Not available for take-away, ROASTERS Catering or Delivery.
- Not valid with other offers/ promotions/ discounts.
- Discounted item is non exchangeable and cannot be redeemed for cash.
- Purchase of discounted item is not entitled for any KRR Card bonus tracker.
- The Management reserves the right to replace promotion item with item of similar value, or modify these terms and conditions without prior notice.
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