FREE Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream Scoop Giveaway @ All Outlets 8PM - 10PM 16 September 2017

Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream Malaysia Day Free Scoop Night Giveaway Promotion

To mark our achievements at the 2017 SEA Games, we are giving away free ice cream on 16th September. Let’s celebrate our historical results this Malaysia Day with all Malaysians from 8pm - 10pm, at all stores nationwide! #freescoopnight #OMG #KL17 #freeBR17

The celebrations never end, because today we cheer as one nation for 60 years of freedom and unity! To all Malaysians, Selamat Hari Merdeka! Don’t forget that we will be continuing the Malaysian cheer at our #freescoopnight on September 16th! #OMG #KL17 #freeBR17

We know that Malaysians are a multi-talented bunch and we have just the chance for you to prove yourselves. Get ready for the coolest game of September, happening on... you guessed it - #FreeScoopNight, 16 September! Siapa cepat dia dapat! #OMG #KL17 #freeBR17

It’s not the win that counts, but the effort to win! At our #freescoopnight, everyone is a winner because our medals come in so many different flavours! Save the date; be a winner on Malaysia Day, this 16 September 2017! #OMG #KL17 #freeBR17

Sunday comes twice this week, why not pop over to your nearest Baskin-Robbins to celebrate? Double the Sunday, double the happiness! #freescoopnight #OMG #KL17 #freeBR17

It's more than just scoops of ice cream - it's happiness you can taste! This Malaysia Day, it's your time to join thousands of your fellow Malaysians to enjoy a scoop of happiness. See you on 16th September! #freescoopnight #OMG #KL17 #freeBR17


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