Free Investor Full Day Course on Intermarket Analysis & ETFs @ KL Bursa Malaysia 8:30AM - 4PM 18 March 2017 | HARGA RUNTUH

Trading Market Trends with Intermarket Analysis and ETFs (Full Day Course) by Bursa Malaysia

Bursa Investor Education Workshop (BIEW) series aim to impart capital market knowledge to the general public by providing structured syllabus on investment-related subject matters. Topics will start off with basics and fundamentals - the why's, the what's and how's of investing and move on to a more advanced understanding of the various investment instruments and different methods of investing.

Registration is FREE and on a first-come first-serve basis. Participants are encouraged to register early as seats are limited and registration will close once the targeted no. of participants are reached.

All confirmed participants will receive an event confirmation email from BursaMKTPLC which serves as your registration pass. Kindly present an electronic or paper copy of the email on the day of the event.

TIME & PROGRAMME 8:30 am Registration 9:00 am
  • Factors to consider when choosing ETFs
  • Trading volumes and ETF liquidity
  • Understanding ETF implied liquidity
10:30 am Refreshment 10:45 am
  • What are the different types of ETFs and how do they work?
    • Equity, bonds, smart beta, alternatives, leveraged, inverse, volatility-based and actively managed ETFs
  • The business cycle and asset class rotation
  • The business cycle and stock sector rotation
12:00 pm Lunch Break 1:00 pm
  • Using relative performance charts to analyze ETFs
  • Using market carpets to analyze ETFs and stocks
  • Market trends of USD and commodities
  • Market trends of stocks and commodities
  • Market trends of stocks and USD
  • Market trends of stocks and bonds
  • Market trends of bonds and commodities
4.00 pm End of Programme

Free Bursa Investor Education Workshop (BIEW) @ KL

Date: 18 MAR 2017 Time: 08:30am - 04:00pm Venue: Theatrette, Lower Ground Floor, Bursa Malaysia Free Online Registration Required via Bursa Market Place (BursaMKTPLC) website Link

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