Free Nasi Lemak (Limited 50 Sets) @ Life Centre KL 12PM - 2PM 14 - 15 September 2016 | HARGA RUNTUH

Life Centre KL Malaysia National Day Promotion

There ain't no such thing as a free lunch? WRONG! There is! We all know there is one dish that unites us all: NASI LEMAK. We are giving out this all-time favorite local delights for free in conjunction to celebrate Malaysia National Day . Yes, it's FREE!

Head down to Life Centre to enjoy our scrumptious Nasi Lemak and a cup of aromatic coffee to give your taste buds a treat.

ONLY limited to 50 sets a day while stock last.

Venue: Life Centre KL Date: 14 Sept and 15 Sept 2016 Time: 12.00pm - 2.00pm

Mark your calendar NOW! #lifecentre #anakmalaysia #malaysiaday #nationalday #freelunch #freenasilemak #free #giveaway #unity #localdelights #patriotism


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