FREE oBike Rides Without Deposit (First 30 Minutes) Until 12 November 2017

oBike Malaysia Free Rides No Deposit

oBike Malaysia Free Rides No Deposit Offer Promotion

#oBikeAlert To all people affected by the flood and thunderstorm in Penang, oBike would like to express our deepest sympathy and our wishes for a speedy recovery for any injuries, and also lost/damage of belonging or properties.

From 8 to 12 November, all oBike rides would be free, and no deposit is required. With every 10,000 oBike users completing their rides daily in Malaysia, oBike will be donating a total of RM2,000 to the Penang Storm and Flood Relief Fund, as a support to those affected.

#oBike4Penang Dear oBikers, join us in our initiative, every one of your ride would help make a big difference.

oBike Malaysia Free Rides Promo Terms & Conditions

  • Every oBike ride is free for first 30 minutes.
  • All oBike users are entitled for the free ride.
  • No deposit required for all users.
  • Free ride period starts 0000, 8 Nov to 2359, 12 Nov.
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