Free Starbucks Teavana Sampling + 20% Discount & Complimentary Beverage Voucher @ Bangsar Village I 12PM - 3PM & 3:30PM - 5PM 14 & 15 October 2016 | HARGA RUNTUH

Free Starbucks Malaysia Teavana Sampling & Discount Promotion

Have some free time today and tomorrow? Drop by our store at Bangsar Village I and join us for a special #StarbucksTeavana journey! Today and tomorrow at 12pm to 3pm and 3:30pm to 5:00pm respectively, our store at Bangsar Village I will be hosting a special #StarbucksTeavana sampling for our range of Teavana available at all stores.

That's not all! During the sampling, you also get to enjoy our special promotions where you can redeem a 20% discount voucher when you purchase any TEAVANA promotional beverage OR receive a complimentary beverage voucher when you purchase any TEAVANA retail tea.

We look forward to seeing you at our store! :)

*Promotion is only available at Bangsar Village 1.


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