Giant Catalogue: 2 x 500g Nestle Breakfast Cereal RM27.99 (Save RM1.57) FREE Minion Until 9 August 2017

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Giant Nestle Breakfast Cereals Bundle Pack Free Minion Container

Giant Malaysia Catalogue Murah Giler Discount Offer Promotion

As of today, Nestle Breakfast Cereals Promotion Pack FREE Limited Edition Despicable Me 3 Minion Container available @ all Giant (RM27.99) & Tesco (RM31.40) supermarkets in Malaysia.
Malaysia Giant Catalogue Murah Giler Discount Offer Promotion
Dapatkan tawaran Murah Giler di Giant! Promosi berlangsung dari 27 Julai - 9 Ogos 2017 untuk Giant di Semenanjung Malaysia sahaja! :) Click pada link untuk muat turun versi PDF.
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