Haagen Dazs Buy 2 Scoops Free 1 Scoop Ice Cream Promotion 21 August 2016 | HARGA RUNTUH

Haagen Dazs Buy 2 Scoops Free 1 Scoop Ice Cream Promotion 21 August 2016

Häagen-Dazs Malaysia Get 3 Scoops of Ice Cream for RM18.90 (Price of 2 Scoops)

Here’s a Silver Lining for all Malaysians who have cheered on our national athletes at the Rio 2016 Olympics! On 21st August, head on down to any of our stores nationwide, buy 2 scoops of ice cream and have the other scoop on us!


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at http://harga.runtuh.com/2016/08/haagen-dazs-malaysia-buy-2-scoops-free-1-ice-cream-promo.html

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