How to Download Windows 10 Free Upgrade Legally from 1 August 2016 Onwards | HARGA RUNTUH

Windows 10 free upgrade for customers who use assistive technologies

For the general public, the free upgrade offer for Windows 10 ends on July 29. However, if you use assistive technologies, you can still get the free upgrade offer even after the general public deadline expires as Microsoft continues our efforts to improve the Windows 10 experience for people who use these technologies.

With the Windows 10 Anniversary Update, we’ve taken a number of steps to improve the accessibility of Windows 10 accessibility. To learn more, read our blog that details some of these improvements.

Before you upgrade, please check with your assistive technology provider(s) to learn more about their software compatibility with Windows 10.

If you want Windows 10 now and are ready to take advantage of the free upgrade offer, click the button below to get started.

Yes, I use assistive technologies and I am ready for my free upgrade to Windows 10.

Download Upgrade Now

Harga Runtuh's Protip: Everyone can download free Windows 10 upgrade using the link above, regardless if you use assistive technology or not.

  • We are not restricting the free upgrade offer to specific assistive technologies. If you use assistive technology on Windows, you are eligible for the free upgrade offer.
  • We have not announced an end date of the free upgrade offer for customers using assistive technology. We will make a public announcement prior to ending the offer.
  • Windows 10 offers experiences that are familiar, safer and more secure, and more personal and productive – enabling innovative new experiences. With the Windows 10 Anniversary Update, even more features and improvements in accessibility are available.

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