Lazada 20% Discount for Mobile Prepaid Top Up 1 June - 11 July 2016 | HARGA RUNTUH

Lazada 20% Discount for Mobile Prepaid Top Up 1 June - 11 July 2016

Lazada 20% Discount for Mobile Top Up

In conjunction with Raya / Ramadhan promotion,
  • Mobile Prepaid Top-up / Reload
  • Top up / reload directly to your Lazada telephone profile number
  • Directly reload on your phone, returns/refund not available
  • Top up / reload vouchers only available for TOP-UP RM10, RM30, RM50, RM100

Lazada Prepaid Reload 20% Discount Voucher Coupon Code

Use either one of following discount voucher coupon codes:
  • 20RAYAIP

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