My U Mobile App FREE oBike Rides Grab Voucher 8AM 7 September 2017

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My U Mobile Terer Thursday Freebie Free oBike Rides

MyUMobile App Terer Thursday Freebies: oBike Malaysia Free Rides Promotion

This week’s TERER Freebie: 5x FREE Rides Free one (1) hour rides via the oBike bike-sharing app
  • Grab this deal on 7 September 2017 only.
  • While stocks last.
  • Terms and conditions apply.
RAWR-some deals updated every Thursday!

Simple steps to claim your MyUMobile app freebie voucher:

  1. Download MyUMobile App.
  2. Go to "Rewards & Promotions" and get your voucher code
  3. Present your voucher at the merchant's store

oBike Malaysia Availability Location

  • Klang Valley including Cyberjaya
  • Kuala Terengganu

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