myBurgerLab Free Burger Set + Nacho Libre for January Babies (Minimum Purchase 3 Burger Sets) Until 31 January 2017 | HARGA RUNTUH

myBurgerLab Malaysia Free Burger Set + Nacho Libre Birthday Promotion

January babies! We got a special deal for ya ☺ You just got yourself a NEW birthday combo!

Bring 3 friends with you and the Birthday baby 👶🏻🏻 will get a Burger Set + Nacho Libre🔥 OR if you fancy the Cheese and Gravy Bowl, add rm5 to upgrade your Nacho Libre!

So, come along in a group of 4 or more and the birthday boy/girl gets a complimentary single patty burger (set) of their choice AND a Nacho Libre🔥 / Cheese and Gravy Bowl (+rm5) on the house.

Yes! You can choose any burger (single patty) that you like 😍🍔👍🏻🏻

my Burger Lab Malaysia Birthday Promo Terms & Conditions

  • At least 3 sets of burgers must be purchased for the deal to be valid. 😉 (TLDR - every 3 sets = 1 free burger set + appetizer)
  • Deal is valid once a day but can be claimed unlimited times per month.
  • Show us your IC/passport pls!
  • Order together in one bill. 👍🏻
  • Applies to Seapark, Sunway, OUG and Cyberjaya.

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