Penang Green Council FREE Gift During International Green Carnival @ Setia Spice Arena 9 & 10 September 2017

Penang Green Council International Green Carnival Free Redemption Card

Penang Green Council International Green Carnival Free Redemption Card Giveaway Promotion

Penang Green Citizens!!! Get your redemption card today and visit our Carnival to redeem your mysterious give away!!!
  1. Download and print or get it at one of our roadshows
  2. Bring the redemption card to our carnival
  3. Collect your FREE gift

Sistem Warga Hijau Pulau Pinang (Penang Green Citizen System)

  • Daftar di sini (Register Here)
  • Semak mata disini (Check Your Point Here)
  • Dapat kembali Kod Hijau (Recover Green Code)
  • Kemaskini Maklumat (Update Information)
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