SENHENG PlusOne Member RM1 for 2 Years 1-to-1 Product Replacement Warranty Valid for Purchase Made on 1st of Every Month | HARGA RUNTUH

SENHENG Malaysia PlusOne Member 24 Months One-to-One Product Replacement Warranty Day Promotion

Can you buy “peace of mind”? Yes! With just RM1-enjoy 24 months on 1-to-1 Product Replacement Warranty, exclusively on every 1st day of the month! #SenhengMY #WarrantyDay

Daily battle with chores and tasks from work or home can be frustrating, so don’t let a faulty product add to your frustration.

You can count on SENHENG’s 1-to-1 Replacement Warranty to maintain that peace of mind for a 24 month period. The extended replacement warranty is only available for every purchase made on 1st day of the month.

Yes! With just RM1, the product is warranted for the original purchaser. If things go wrong, SENHENG is here to turn your frown upside down by providing you an instant replacement.

Mark your calendar and visit to our showrooms for a value-added shopping experience with us!

PlusOne Card Member Exclusive Replacement Warranty Day Promo Terms & Conditions

  1. Promotion is available at SENHENG showrooms only.
  2. Applicable to small electrical appliances below RM500 only.
  3. On purchase made on every 1st day of the month only.
  4. For PlusOne members only.

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