Sign Up Mama Baby World FREE New Mom Bag & Product Samples When You Deliver @ Hospital | HARGA RUNTUH

Sign Up Mama Baby World Malaysia Free New Mom Bag

Sign Up Mama Baby World Malaysia Free New Mom Bag Giveaway Promotion

The New Mom Bag has useful product samples and information for you and your baby, ABSOLUTELY FREE!

Collect the FREE New Mom Bag from your hospital right after your delivery*

Sign up as a member of now and get weekly updates (events, contests & promotions, latest health news, blogs, etc). Fill up the MEMBER REGISTRATION FORM here.
  • *Currently only available in Peninsular Malaysia and there are some hospitals that do not distribute our New Mom Bag.
    • Should you deliver in these hospitals, you will not receive our bag.
    • You can contact us to enquire if your hospital is on our list for the New Mom Bag.
    • We are not obliged to send you a bag if your hospital is not on our list for the New Mom Bag.
  • For further enquiries, please contact
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