純萃喝 Taiwanese Milk Tea RM8.95 (Save RM0.55) @ Selected 7 Eleven Stores Until 31 August 2017 | HARGA RUNTUH

7-Eleven Malaysia Just Drink Taiwanese Milk Tea

7-Eleven Malaysia 纯萃喝 Just Drink Taiwanese Milk Tea Discount Offer Promotion

Forget about your worries. Just Drink 純萃喝. Be the first in Malaysia to grab yourself a bottle of the famous Taiwanese beverage that has everyone raving from 7-Eleven today! Just Drink! :D

Now selling at RM8.95. (Original price: RM9.50)

Promotion ends 31st August 2017!

*Available at selected stores only. View the complete participating store list here:
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at http://harga.runtuh.com/2017/05/taiwanese-milk-tea-7-eleven-malaysia-discount-promo.html

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