Tesco Clubcard X-TRA Kupon Jimat Percuma RM5 Saving Voucher
FREE Saving Coupon RM5. Swipe your Clubcard to get it!Issuance Date: 6 - 12 April 2017 Redemption Date: 13 - 26 April 2017
Coupon redemption is valid from 6 - 26 April 2017. Only one RM5 coupon is redeemable with every purchase of RM100. Redeem your xtra coupon(s) before the expiry date. Present your xtra coupon before payment. Exclusive for Clubcard members only.
Steps to Enjoy Xtra Coupon
Only one (1) xtra coupon will be issued for each issurance period either through in-store purchase or online purchase.- Present your Clubcard at the cashier counter to swipe before payment.
- Make your payment once all purchase products are scanned. Xtra coupon will be printed together with the purchase receipt.
- Shop online during issurance period. Clubcard members must e update their clubcard number in their account.
- Receive Xtra coupon when your order is delivered.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at http://harga.runtuh.com/2017/04/tesco-clubcard-member-free-xtra-coupon-promo.html?m=0