Kishaniah Dhamodaran: The Body Shop is a British international company and it’s sad to see racial discrimination practiced so openly. The Body Shop Malaysia how is it that you condone such discriminatory behavior?
Kishaniah Dhamodaran: Update: The Body Shop replied promptly and has rectified the situation.
Comment by Body Shop: Thanks for sharing this with us! We are understandably furious ourselves and under no circumstances do we condone such actions by any of our colleagues. You are right that not only as an international company, but as a brand which has campaigned against discrimination of any kind in Malaysia for more than 30 years, we should never, and have never practiced racial selection in our human resources policy. To us, aptitude and experience, as well as skills and competences such as language skills, are more important. Rest assured we will take immediate action to correct this unsanctioned act by a colleague of ours (I believe that by the time this post is up, we would have already have done it)! It is indeed a constant uphill task to change mindsets and continue nurturing the culture of inclusiveness which we have so painstakingly built over the years, even as we continue to grow The Body Shop family in Malaysia. But we will never give up even if mistakes like this do happen!