Time Fibre Home Broadband Up to RM500 Discount for New Sign Up 23 - 26 March 2017 | HARGA RUNTUH

Plan Service Credit Entitlement Payment For 1st Month Bill Payment For 2nd Month Bill TIME Fibre Home Broadband 500Mbps RM500 Monthly Charges: RM299 LESS Service Credit: (RM299)Total payable: RM0 Monthly Charges: RM299 LESS Service Credit: (RM201)Total payable: RM98 TIME Fibre Home Broadband 300Mbps RM300 Monthly Charges: RM189 LESS Service Credit: (RM189)Total payable: RM0 Monthly Charges: RM189 LESS Service Credit: (RM111)Total payable: RM78 TIME Fibre Home Broadband 100Mbps RM100 Monthly Charges: RM149 LESS Service Credit: (RM100)Total payable: RM49 Not Applicable

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