Uber Promo Code RM6 Discount X 5 FREE Rides 9AM - 5PM Until 18 June 2017 | HARGA RUNTUH

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Uber Promo Code Malaysia Free Rides Discount

Uber Promo Code Malaysia Free Rides Discount Ramadhan Raya Offer Promotion

Save on rides to spend even more on your Raya shopping! Just enter the Uber promo code UBERBELANJA to enjoy 5 FREE rides worth RM6 each, for trips from 9am – 5pm in Malaysia!

Save more on rides. Spend more on Raya shopping.

As the Hari Raya season draws closer, why don’t you save more on your rides to the mall as you prep for your Raya celebrations? Here's something to help you out as you prepare for the Hari Raya season.

Enter / Apply Uber Promo Code: UBERBELANJA

Starting today till Sunday, use the Uber promo code UBERBELANJA to enjoy 5 FREE rides worth RM6 each, for trips from 9am – 5pm in Malaysia! Remember, you only need to apply the promo code once.

Remember to take a trip during this time to unlock another secret promo!

Uber Promo Code Malaysia Free Rides Discount Terms & Conditions

  • The Uber promo code entitles you to 5 FREE rides worth RM6 which can be utilised from 12 – 18 June 2017 (Monday – Sunday) for trips in Malaysia between 9am and 5pm.
  • You only need to apply the promo code once.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at http://harga.runtuh.com/2017/06/uber-promo-code-malaysia-raya-discount-.html

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