Watsons FREE Foldable Travel Bag with Minimum RM25 Purchase of Colgate Palmolive Products Until 28 December 2016 | HARGA RUNTUH

Watsons FREE Foldable Travel Bag with Minimum RM25 Purchase of Colgate Palmolive Products Until 28 December 2016

Watsons Colgate Palmolive Products FREE Foldable Travel Bag

FREE* Foldable Travel Bag with puchase of participating Colgate-Palmolive products worth RM25 in a single receipt! Shop now at your nearest Watsons store or Shop ONLINE.

Watsons Malaysia Free Travel Bag Promo Terms & Conditions

  • While stocks last.
  • Redemption through cashier counter only.
  • Promo valid from 17 November - 28 December 2016.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at http://harga.runtuh.com/2016/12/watsons-free-foldable-travel-bag-colgate-palmolive-products.html?m=0

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