Wings Musicafe Signature Bacon Fried Rice RM1 (Present Name Card) @ Sri Petaling 31 March 2017 | HARGA RUNTUH

Wings Musicafe Malaysia Limited RM1 Budget Lunch Discount Promotion

Present your name card to enjoy this offer ONLY @ Wings Sri Petaling


只在3月31日星期五WINGS SRI PETALING分店。12pm – 3pm.

只需提供一张您的名片, 既可以RM1换取一份招牌培根炒饭。每天限量50份, 售完为止,只在WINGS SRI PETALING分店。

另外, 只需LIKE & SHARE, 并在comment处Tag一位朋友即有机会赢取免费招牌培根炒饭! *游戏截至:Mar 31, 2017 *成绩揭晓 : Apr 3, 2017

#wingsmusicafe #rm1lunch

Branch Address / 分店地址 Wings Musicafe Sri Petaling 9, Jalan Radin Bagus, Sri Petaling, 57000 KL


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