hi. I am looking for my child formula milk ( age 2y) that has zero sugar in it. he has ADHD so he need to stopany intake that contains additional sugar. I did a little research but most formula milk has additional sugar which is a big no. I found dead end so pls help me to find one. thank you in advance!
Do you mean maltodextrin? I also have a hard time finding formula that doesn’t contain hidden ingredients these days.
It is abit difficult to find formula milk that does not contain sugar because most of our daily food/milk has processed sugar in it right? unless you can make time to read & check all the ingredients label to know the contents of the milk.
What kind of ingredients is maltodextrin? issit too much for children to take it daily?
Oh i thought having pricey formula milk is trustable and the ingredients will be safer?
Nahhh not really, i once gave my son formula milk that was quite expensive & ended up throwing the milk away because it contained unnatural ingredients. One lesson that i got after the incident was not all pricey formula milk is safe for our kids to consume in excess over time.
from what i’ve read, maltodextrin is a type of processed sugar made from starch & is commonly used as replacement for natural milk lactose in growing up milk (GUM). it has a high glycemic index of between 80-120 which much higher than table sugar at 65 & contains no nutritional value. so it’s best to limit foods or drinks made with maltodextrin to occasional treats.
I see, i think ingredients is so importnt for us to know also, i thought if we have expensive one, it will be okay. is there any brand does not contain the unnatural ingredients?
That is the reason why some kids prefer to have only milk and not to take their food regularly. the sugar is addicting to them. it is very dangerous for kids to over consume sugar, what is the solution then? is there any product tht help w this issue?
yes exactly! i’ve tried formula milk from farm fresh & i’ve given my children this milk because i found that their milk is made from natural cow’s milk full of DHA, inulin fiber, calcium and vitamin D for optimal growth, protein and enriched with 22 additional vitamins and minerals.
Yea true dat… but hey momiesss! did you know that farm fresh has launched a new UHT formulated milk which does not contain unnecessary ingredients and not affect the health of our kids? It’s the farm fresh grow, have you heard or try it before?
I didn’t know Farm fresh have more natural ingredients than any other milk in market. I was wondering if i can easily find safer product after i read about the maltodextrin, but now i dont have to worry.
Oh! i am not familiar with farm fresh product, but i do know its local. That is great to know, maybe i should check it out. btw what is the different from other uht milk product?
Yes you should! what i really love about farm fresh grow is that it’s ready to drink milk, it’s not in the form of milk powder & very convenient to bring it with you if you’re travelling.
ikr? tbh, i didn’t expect local products to be this good at first but after give it a try i’m glad that my son really love to drink farmfresh grow and at the same time i also not worried because it doesn’t contain unhealthy ingredients such as maltodextrin & many more.
Yes, that is so true, reheating n preparing a milk is such a fuss, i think it will save us a lot of time hahaha so fresh milk from farm fresh is a good choice.
Thnks to this post i get to know a lot bout this unnatural ingredients and knowing that we have product that offer healthier option does make me feel glad. totally going to change to farm fresh.
well i would say thanks to farm fresh or making such amazing UHT formulated milk so that parents don’t have to worry/ need to find other pricey milk to give to our kids. goodjob farm fresh!
ikr?! especially for working mom like me. farm fresh grow really helpful and make my day so much easier. don’t forget to switch to farm fresh!

well i would say thanks to farm fresh or making such amazing UHT formulated milk so that parents don’t have to worry/ need to find other pricey milk to give to our kids. goodjob farm fresh!
True, this will saved our pockets so many times and no more unnatural ingredients for our child. farm fresh is our saviour.