Malaysian Man Shares How A Taxi Driver Almost Scammed Him For RM1,334
Taxi fare scams are very prevalent in Malaysia and one Malaysian man is extremely frustrated to have went through it. Nicholas, who is the victim of the taxi fare scam took it to social media to share his hellish experience after he was almost cheated a jaw-dropping amount of money.
According to Nicholas himself, shortly after arriving at the airport he hailed a cab outside the airport.
“I’m a Malaysian who studies in Taiwan. I just arrived in the Malaysian airport and decided to take a cab home.
“While dragging all my luggage with me, I spotted a few what looked like Uber cars. They asked me if i needed a ride. I asked how much it was to get to ‘Segambut’ and he told me it was RM150.
“I declined his offer because I know the usual price is only RM80-100.”
Nicholas then saw a red taxi and decided to ask how much it cost. “I asked him how much it cost to get to Segambut from the airport, and the driver told me it’s charged based on meter. I thought it was fine, so I hopped into the car.”
He later noticed something fishy was going on. On the dashboard of the vehicle sat a taxi meter, however it isn’t like any meter, the fare meter was covered by a thick cloth. Thinking it’s nothing worth being suspicious over, Nicholas decided to let it slide.
However, it wasn’t until arriving close to his destination that Nicholas realizes something is gravely wrong.
“The driver dropped me at a Petron station in Segambut. He said he’ll only drive here, and will not go further. He told me to get down the car and grab another taxi home.
“I only wanted to quickly go home, so I asked him how much it was. “
The driver tugged on the cloth to reveal RM1280! OMG! So I asked him how much, and he tells me RM128. I thought to myself, it’s ok, that’s only a little expensive from what they usually charge.
“After giving him the money, he asked me why did I only hand him RM130. He clicked on the calculator, showing RM1280+RM54 (Toll charge). Total was RM1334!”
He revealed that the distance between the airport and his destination is a mere 70 KM. However what’s shocking is the fact that for a mere 70 KM, the cab driver charged the poor lad A WHOOPING RM1,334. The absurdity went to a new high when the driver claimed that he followed the meter?!
JH Nicholas: 希望各位吹水友花幾分鐘時間看完。我是個在台灣讀書的malaysia人。今天做飛機從台灣回到malaysia。到這邊的時候已經快要9點了。由於沒人載只好塔taxi。帶著大包小包的行李從機場走出去的時候沒有看到很多taxi,就有幾個好像uber司機問我要不要搭車。我問他從機場到segambut多少錢,他說RM150。我就回答說不要,因為正常價錢最多RM80-RM100這樣而已。過後就看到一輛taxi 紅色的 我去問他機場到segambut多少錢 他說走meter。我就覺得比較正常就上車了。一上車就看到他的taxi的meter拿著塊步蓋著 我有懷疑 是做麼要蓋著,蓋著我怎樣看,過後心想應該是我多心吧,就沒管那麼多。誰知道到了segambut的petron,他說他只會到這邊 不會走了 叫我下車找其他taxi 我沒想多 只想快點回家,就問他多少錢,他拉開那塊佈我嚇到了 RM1280!靠腰,我問他,BERAPE?他就說128而已 我就說算了 貴那一點 給他吧 我拿錢給他過後 他就說做麼才給130?我倒問他,你不是說128嗎?他拿計算機出來按1280+剛才的54塊tol錢,total 1334!我問他你是不是gila 他說 沒有啊 跟著表走 我問他tol哪裡可能要到54?當我傻的啊?他說表都寫1280了+tol錢叫我快點給。我說 你要我給 可以!我打電話給我舅舅 我叫他拿錢過來 他就說不用打電話 我說不打電話我要怎樣拿錢給你 他就跟我拿台幣 我說沒有 他又跟我要500 說給500就刷刷去 我說我只有200 他說不行 最少300,我說130要你就收 ,不要我就打電話了 他就把我的行李搬出來 拿著那130在那邊唸一堆我聽不懂的東西跑了。車牌是 HWE7128 司機是個印度人。希望各位吹水友在等多久都好 別上她的車 除非你很有錢😂這張ressit是我跟她要的,他在開那塊佈之前給我這張 說價錢隨便我寫。我想report 可是又沒證據。求各位大大給小弟意見。