Where's Flymojo, the Malaysia's Government Owned Budget Airline Announced in 2015?

Where’s Flymojo? 5 reasons that you’re not gonna see Flymojo fly high in our sky

It has been more than 1 and a half year after the launch of the new airline in Malaysia, the Flymojo. The launch was so well-known during that time, but wait, where is it now? Why there’s no more news about it? Check wiki and flymojo’s website Firstly, let’s talk about the airline’s history and later we will discuss why you are not gonna see Flymojo taking off.

Flymojo, first launched at March 17 2015 during Langkawi International Maritime & Aerospace Exhibition (LIMA) by our beloved Prime Minister Dato’ Sri Najib Tun Razak,and Minister of Transport Dato’ Sri Liow Tiong Lai, along with Flymojo’s management team and Bombardier’s personnel. Flymojo had signed a letter of intent (loi) with Bombardier to purchase 20 C-series CS100, with 20 options. It was initially scheduled to perform its first inaugural flight during October 2015 but was later canceled due to its own financial issue and late deliver of the aircraft CS100. Flymojo is also suppose to be the first CS100 operator in the Asia-Pacific region.

And that’s it. The name “Flymojo” slowly sink into nowhere, nobody talks about it, thinks about it, asks about it. It is totally disappear from our’s daily routine. Why? Here are the reasons.

  1. The idea of launching the new airline by the Government was actually a political action to divert people’s attention away from Malaysia Airline Berhad( MAB ) two disasters  which are the MH370 and MH17 occurs during early 2014 and mid 2014. Read analysis of Flymojo, the international airline of mystery.
  2. Flymojo signed a letter of intent (loi) with Bombardier. Letter of intent, usually comes with a cancellation section, which allow the intention of buying the aircraft be cancel at any time by any parties( Flymojo/Bombardier). As the new airline, Flymojo is backed up by strong government,why wouldn’t they ink a firm order with Bombardier like Airasia’s recent firm order of 100 A321neo? Firm order and Letter of Intent are different. More about LOI here.
  3. Bombardier has its own issue, C-series program faced alot of problems during flight testing stage. This leading to postponement of aircraft delivery. However, the CS100 has already gains its EASA and FAA type validation last month(16 June 2016) and production is ready to ramp up.  CS100 type validation here.
  4. Due to Malaysia political crisis, Ringgit has been slashed down to the 18years low. The original price was only 1.47 billion USD or RM4.07 billion and slowly rises to RM6.17 billion. That is a huge differences of RM2billion.  Some economists said the downturn of Ringgit was because of economic problem, do you believe it? It is all because of Poor Governmentation.
  5. Flymojo had never applied for Air Operator Certificate(AOC) from the Department of Civil Aviation Malaysia(DCAM) and Air Service License(ASL) From the Malaysian Aviation Commission(MAVCOM). These two licenses are both a mandatory requirement for an airline to operate within Malaysia. In march 2015, the company only had a provisional license which allow the airline to buy or lease aircraft. The provisional license is valid up to may 30 2016, as of now, it is already expired and Flymojo did not submitted any formal request for extension to the Department of Civil Aviation Malaysia(DCAM).

In conclusion, the whole scenario was a political farce, a self-directed drama presenting to the malaysian and the rest of the world. However, we could remains optimistic about the future of the airline, Flymojo if and only if our government keeps their promises. If and only if …

Source: Malaysia Aviation News